Orthodontic Treatment Options and Plans

Individualized Orthdontic Treatment Options For You

It takes special training and experience to match the best treatment options to the individual. Many practitioner “do braces” but don’t have the extensive training of an orthodontic specialist.

At Haas Orthodontic Arts, we have the experience to match the optimum treatment plan to your individual needs. We are committed to working with you to give you an orthodontic result that will make you proud for years to come. We are always introducing new orthodontic techniques to our patients and tailoring treatment to fit specific needs.

Choosing the Right Orthodontic Plan

An important key to long-term stability is choosing the most appropriate treatment plan for you. When it comes to orthodontic treatment, there’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” plan. No two cases are alike and there are many variables that contribute to orthodontic problems. Unless all of variables are incorporated into the treatment plan, long-term results may be disappointing.

Common Orthodontic Treatment Options

Not all treatment plans are created equal. For example, a common orthodontic problem is the protrusion of the upper teeth (buck teeth). Often this problem is due to an imbalance in jaw growth. The upper jaw may grow too much or the lower jaw may not grow enough. If there is an imbalance in jaw growth in a growing individual, our preferred treatment is to use a night brace. A night brace is worn in the privacy of home and works by slowing the forward growth of the upper jaw and teeth. This allows the lower jaw and teeth to grow forward and “catch up.” The advantage of this approach is that it corrects both the dental and facial imbalances. The disadvantage is the night brace must be worn 10-12 hours per day.

Another option to treat protruded or buck teeth is to accept the facial imbalance and remove two upper side teeth. The space gained by removing the teeth is used to move the upper front teeth back into contact with the lower teeth. The advantage of this approach is that it can be used in a non-growing patient and does not require the use of a night brace. The disadvantage is that it requires the removal of two teeth and does not resolve the underlying facial imbalance, if one exists.

In a growing patient with a facial imbalance, we prefer to use a night brace because it provides more complete treatment. Many orthodontists do not use night braces because they do not want to rely on patient compliance. Our philosophy is to present both options, explaining the advantages and disadvantages, and let the patient decide what is best for them.

Orthodontic Surgery

Most often surgery in conjunction with orthodontic treatment is done in non-growing or adult patients. Surgery is typically used to correct an underlying imbalance in the growth of the facial bones. Occasionally, minor surgeries are needed to uncover teeth that have not erupted or place dental implants.
We will let you know if you could benefit from a combination of orthodontics and surgery. Unfortunately, certain surgeries are not covered by major medical insurance because they are considered cosmetic procedures. We understand that due to cost and orthodontic fees, surgery may not be feasible. We will explore both surgical and non-surgical options with you.

Contact us today to request an orthodontic consultation and choose the plan that works for you.